Michael Katz, Harsha Kokel, Kavitha Srinivas, Shirin Sohrabi
The research paper “Thought of Search: Planning with Language Models Through the Lens of Efficiency” introduces a pioneering approach that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to revolutionize AI planning methods. Emphasizing soundness, completeness, and efficiency, the authors critique existing LLM-based planning strategies, which often suffer from excessive computational demands and environmental impact. Their novel approach, “Thought of Search,” stands out by generating components of search problems, such as successor functions and goal tests, rather than conducting exhaustive searches. This significantly reduces LLM interactions, achieving 100% accuracy in tasks like the 24 Game—demonstrating both practical efficacy and environmental responsibility by minimizing computing resources. The method’s ability to maintain soundness and completeness positions it as a robust alternative to techniques like Tree of Thoughts and Graph of Thoughts. For researchers, this paper offers foundational insights into improving computational efficiency in AI, potentially guiding the development of sustainable technologies. Future research could explore automating the validation of generated components or extending applications to multimodal data inputs. By tackling both efficiency and ecological concerns, this work propels AI planning toward a more resource-conscious future, making it essential reading for those in the field. The code in this post illustrates the idea with a few classic AI problems and dynamic solution code of successor functions, goal test, and optionally heuristic functions.
Mind map
Highlights explained
### 1. Efficiency and Accuracy in Thought of Search
**Explanation**: The paper introduces “Thought of Search,” a novel method that uses Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate components of a search problem rather than executing the search itself. This approach significantly reduces the number of LLM calls required to solve problems.
**Significance**: By minimizing the computational overhead, Thought of Search achieves 100% accuracy in solving tasks with fewer LLM interactions, making it both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
**Relation to Existing Work**: This approach contrasts with existing methods like Tree of Thoughts and Graph of Thoughts, which involve extensive LLM calls. The reduced call frequency marks a notable improvement in both performance and ecological impact.
### 2. Maintenance of Soundness and Completeness
**Explanation**: The paper critiques existing LLM-based planning methods, highlighting their lack of soundness (only producing valid solutions) and completeness (guaranteeing a solution if one exists). “Thought of Search” retains these essential properties in its design.
**Significance**: Soundness and completeness are crucial for reliable and correct planning algorithms. Preserving these attributes ensures that solutions are both valid and guaranteed where applicable.
**Impact**: This advancement positions “Thought of Search” as a robust alternative to current methods, potentially influencing future designs in AI planning frameworks.
### 3. Application to Game 24
**Explanation**: The paper demonstrates the application of its approach to solving the 24 Game, a mathematical card game. “Thought of Search” effectively produces the necessary Python functions for successor generation and goal state testing with minimal LLM interactions.
**Significance**: This practical demonstration showcases the approach’s capability to handle real-world problems effectively, highlighting its versatility and accuracy.
**Relation to Existing Work**: Compared to the Tree of Thoughts approach, which required approximately 100 LLM calls per problem, “Thought of Search” solved the entire dataset with significantly fewer interactions, underscoring its efficiency advantages.
pip install pydantic openai
import os
import json
from typing import List, Dict, Any
from pydantic import BaseModel
from openai import OpenAI
import heapq
# Initialize OpenAI client
client = OpenAI(api_key=os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"])
class SearchComponents(BaseModel):
successor_function: str
goal_test: str
heuristic_function: str = ""
class Problem(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str
use_astar: bool = False
use_dfs: bool = False
def generate_search_components(problem: Problem) -> SearchComponents:
Generate search components (successor function, goal test, and optionally heuristic function)
for a given problem using GPT-4-Turbo.
heuristic_prompt = """
3. A heuristic function named 'heuristic_function' that takes a state and returns an estimate of the cost to reach the goal state.
The heuristic should be admissible (never overestimate the cost) and consistent.
""" if problem.use_astar else ""
prompt = f"""
Given the following search problem:
Name: {problem.name}
Description: {problem.description}
Please generate Python code for:
1. A successor function named 'successor_function' that takes a state and returns a list of valid successor states.
2. A goal test function named 'goal_test' that takes a state and returns True if it's a goal state, False otherwise.
Ensure the functions are efficient and correctly handle the problem constraints.
For the 8-Puzzle, use the Manhattan distance as the heuristic.
For Tower of Hanoi, implement a heuristic that counts the number of disks not in their final position.
For N-Queens, implement a successor function that places queens in valid positions only, and a goal test that checks if all queens are placed without conflicts.
For Game 24, implement a successor function that applies arithmetic operations to pairs of numbers, and a goal test that checks if the result is 24.
response = client.chat.completions.create(
{"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert AI assistant specializing in search algorithms and problem-solving."},
{"role": "user", "content": prompt}
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": "provide_search_components",
"description": "Provide successor function, goal test, and optionally heuristic function for a search problem",
"parameters": SearchComponents.model_json_schema()
tool_choice={"type": "function", "function": {"name": "provide_search_components"}}
return SearchComponents(**json.loads(response.choices[0].message.tool_calls[0].function.arguments))
def solve_problem(problem: Problem, initial_state: Any, max_iterations: int = 1000000) -> List[Any]:
Solve the given problem using the appropriate search algorithm.
# Generate search components using the LLM
components = generate_search_components(problem)
# Create a new namespace and execute the generated functions in it
namespace = {}
exec(components.successor_function, namespace)
exec(components.goal_test, namespace)
if problem.use_astar:
exec(components.heuristic_function, namespace)
# Retrieve the functions from the namespace
successor_function = namespace['successor_function']
goal_test = namespace['goal_test']
heuristic_function = namespace.get('heuristic_function')
# Choose the appropriate search algorithm based on the problem configuration
if problem.use_astar:
return astar_search(initial_state, successor_function, goal_test, heuristic_function, max_iterations)
elif problem.use_dfs:
return dfs_search(initial_state, successor_function, goal_test, max_iterations)
return bfs_search(initial_state, successor_function, goal_test, max_iterations)
def bfs_search(initial_state: Any, successor_function, goal_test, max_iterations: int) -> List[Any]:
Perform Breadth-First Search.
queue = [(initial_state, [])]
visited = set()
for _ in range(max_iterations):
if not queue:
return [] # No solution found
state, path = queue.pop(0)
if goal_test(state):
return path + [state] # Solution found
state_str = str(state)
if state_str not in visited:
for successor in successor_function(state):
queue.append((successor, path + [state]))
return [] # Max iterations reached, no solution found
def dfs_search(initial_state: Any, successor_function, goal_test, max_iterations: int) -> List[Any]:
Perform Depth-First Search.
stack = [(initial_state, [])]
visited = set()
for _ in range(max_iterations):
if not stack:
return [] # No solution found
state, path = stack.pop()
if goal_test(state):
return path + [state] # Solution found
state_str = str(state)
if state_str not in visited:
for successor in successor_function(state):
stack.append((successor, path + [state]))
return [] # Max iterations reached, no solution found
def astar_search(initial_state: Any, successor_function, goal_test, heuristic_function, max_iterations: int) -> List[Any]:
Perform A* Search.
frontier = [(0, initial_state, [])]
visited = set()
for _ in range(max_iterations):
if not frontier:
return [] # No solution found
_, state, path = heapq.heappop(frontier)
if goal_test(state):
return path + [state] # Solution found
state_str = str(state)
if state_str not in visited:
for successor in successor_function(state):
new_path = path + [state]
priority = len(new_path) + heuristic_function(successor)
heapq.heappush(frontier, (priority, successor, new_path))
return [] # Max iterations reached, no solution found
# Define the problems to be solved
problems = [
description="Solve the 8-puzzle problem. The state is represented as a list of 9 integers where 0 represents the empty space. The goal is to reach the state [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0].",
name="Tower of Hanoi",
description="Solve the Tower of Hanoi problem with 3 pegs and 3 disks. The state is represented as a list of 3 lists, each representing a peg and containing the disks on that peg (smaller numbers represent smaller disks). The goal is to move all disks to the third peg.",
name="Water Jug",
description="Solve the Water Jug problem with two jugs of capacity 4 and 3 liters. The state is represented as a tuple (x, y) where x is the amount of water in the 4-liter jug and y is the amount in the 3-liter jug. The goal is to get exactly 2 liters in either jug."
name="Missionaries and Cannibals",
description="Solve the Missionaries and Cannibals problem. The state is represented as (m, c, b) where m is the number of missionaries on the left bank, c is the number of cannibals on the left bank, and b is 1 if the boat is on the left bank, 0 otherwise. Start with (3, 3, 1) and the goal is (0, 0, 0)."
description="Solve the N-Queens problem for an 8x8 board. The state is represented as a list of 8 integers, where each integer represents the column position of the queen in that row. The goal is to place 8 queens on the board so that no two queens threaten each other.",
name="Game 24",
description="Solve the Game 24 problem. Given four integers between 1 and 9, find a way to arrive at 24 using only addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The state is represented as a list of numbers and intermediate results. The goal is to reach 24 using all initial numbers.",
for problem in problems:
print(f"\nSolving {problem.name}:")
if problem.name == "8-Puzzle":
initial_state = [3,1,2,4,0,5,6,7,8]
elif problem.name == "Tower of Hanoi":
initial_state = [[3,2,1], [], []]
elif problem.name == "Water Jug":
initial_state = (0, 0)
elif problem.name == "Missionaries and Cannibals":
initial_state = (3, 3, 1)
elif problem.name == "N-Queens":
initial_state = [0] * 8
elif problem.name == "Game 24":
initial_state = [4, 7, 8, 8] # Example initial numbers
solution = solve_problem(problem, initial_state)
if solution:
print(f"Solution found in {len(solution)} steps:")
for step, state in enumerate(solution):
print(f"Step {step}: {state}")
print("No solution found within the maximum number of iterations.")
print("Generated successor function:")
print("Generated goal test function:")
if problem.use_astar:
print("Generated heuristic function:")
Core Concepts and Workflow:
1. LLM-Generated Search Components: The script uses GPT-4-Turbo to generate problem-specific
successor functions, goal tests, and heuristic functions.
2. Minimal LLM Calls: Only one LLM call is made per problem to generate all necessary components.
3. Flexible Search Algorithms: The script implements BFS, DFS, and A* search algorithms,
choosing the appropriate one based on the problem characteristics.
4. Problem Abstraction: Problems are defined using a Pydantic model, allowing for easy addition
of new problem types.
1. Define the problem using the Problem class.
2. Generate search components using the LLM.
3. Execute the generated functions in a controlled namespace.
4. Apply the appropriate search algorithm using the generated components.
5. Return and display the solution if found.
Future Improvements:
1. Implement verification mechanisms for the soundness and completeness of generated components.
2. Add interactive refinement of generated components based on human feedback.
3. Implement more sophisticated prompting techniques to guide the LLM in generating more
efficient components.
4. Add support for more diverse problem types and search algorithms.
5. Implement performance metrics to measure and optimize computational efficiency.
6. Add error handling and timeout mechanisms for long-running searches.
7. Implement a caching system to store and reuse previously generated components for similar problems.
8. Develop a user interface for easier problem definition and result visualization.