Liyi Chen, Panrong Tong, Zhongming Jin, Ying Sun, Jieping Ye, Hui Xiong
The research paper “Plan-on-Graph: Self-Correcting Adaptive Planning of Large Language Model on Knowledge Graphs” introduces a transformative approach for enhancing the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) by integrating them with Knowledge Graphs (KGs). At the core of this work is the innovative Plan-on-Graph (PoG) paradigm, which introduces a reflection mechanism that allows LLMs to dynamically reconsider and adjust their reasoning paths. This novel framework addresses the limitations of existing KG-augmented LLMs, such as static path exploration and the inability to self-correct, by equipping LLMs with mechanisms for guidance, memory updating, and reflection. The result is a system that can efficiently handle complex queries by adaptively exploring and refining its reasoning processes, achieving superior accuracy and efficiency compared to prior models like ToG. The paper’s empirical results, validated across multiple datasets, underscore PoG’s effectiveness in reducing exploratory errors and resource use, setting a new standard in the field of AI reasoning tasks. This work offers a promising avenue for future research, including scalability studies and applications in diverse domains, and is a compelling read for those interested in advancing the capabilities of AI through enhanced reasoning methodologies. The authors have a placeholder repo for future official code release. The demo code implements PoG’s core innovations: adaptive exploration, self-correction, and evidence-based reasoning through guidance, memory, and reflection mechanisms.
Mind map
Highlights explained
1. Plan-on-Graph (PoG) Paradigm
- Explanation: The Plan-on-Graph (PoG) paradigm is a novel framework designed for KG-augmented LLMs that allows for adaptive exploration and self-correction of reasoning paths. PoG leverages the LLM to plan and adjust the breadth of exploration dynamically based on question semantics.
- Significance: This paradigm addresses the inefficiencies and limitations of previous KG-augmented LLM models by enabling the model to adaptively explore various reasoning paths and correct any erroneous routes it may take. This leads to more efficient and accurate reasoning.
- Relation to Existing Work: Unlike static path exploration methods such as ToG, which fail to correct course when reasoning paths are incorrect, PoG introduces flexibility and adaptability, making it a significant improvement over existing methods.
2. Reflection Mechanism
- Explanation: The reflection mechanism in PoG allows the LLM to reconsider its reasoning paths continually and decide whether corrections are necessary. It functions by using stored information and knowledge graph relationships to assess the validity of ongoing reasoning paths.
- Significance: This mechanism is critical for self-correction, enabling the model to dynamically backtrack and adjust its exploration strategy, thereby addressing the issue of irreversible and erroneous reasoning paths in typical LLM operations.
- Potential Impact: By integrating self-correction capabilities into LLMs, PoG sets a new standard for reasoning accuracy and efficiency, potentially reducing errors in complex tasks and enhancing the LLM’s ability to learn from its mistakes.
3. Guidance and Task Decomposition
- Explanation: The guidance mechanism involves decomposing a question into several sub-objectives. This breakdown helps in guiding the LLM to explore relevant paths with a flexible exploration breadth, based on the specific conditions outlined in the question.
- Significance: This method enhances the LLM’s ability to identify and focus on relevant paths, optimizing the exploration process and improving the accuracy of the answers generated.
- Relation to Existing Work: Task decomposition is not new; however, its strategic use in guiding dynamic exploration within PoG provides a fresh approach to structuring and solving reasoning tasks effectively.
4. Memory Updating
- Explanation: Memory updating in PoG involves storing retrieved entities, reasoning paths, and sub-objective status throughout the exploration process. This historical data supports reflection by offering a comprehensive context for reevaluating and correcting reasoning paths.
- Significance: Memory updating ensures that the LLM retains essential contextual information, reducing the risk of forgetting crucial conditions and facilitating more coherent and informed reasoning adjustments.
- Potential Impact: This feature enhances the LLM’s capability to utilize prior knowledge effectively in ongoing reasoning tasks, potentially allowing for more sophisticated and accurate decision-making processes.
The demo code implements the Plan-on-Graph (PoG) approach through four core mechanisms: Guidance through task decomposition (breaking complex questions into sub-objectives), Memory for tracking exploration history (maintaining found facts and paths), Reflection for self-correction (evaluating progress and adjusting paths), and Adaptive exploration (dynamically adjusting search based on relevance). The implementation showcases how LLMs can work with Knowledge Graphs to perform complex reasoning tasks while avoiding common pitfalls through self-correction. The example output can be found at Github repo.
pip install openai
Plan-on-Graph (PoG): Research Implementation
This implementation demonstrates the key concepts from the paper:
'Plan-on-Graph: Self-Correcting Adaptive Planning of Large Language Model on Knowledge Graphs'
Key Components:
1. Guidance Mechanism (Section 3.1): Task decomposition and sub-objective tracking
2. Memory Mechanism (Section 3.3): Tracks exploration history and knowledge state
3. Reflection Mechanism (Section 3.4): Enables self-correction through evaluation
4. Path Exploration (Section 3.2): Adaptive exploration with flexible breadth
The implementation focuses on showcasing:
- Adaptive exploration of knowledge graphs
- Self-correction through reflection
- Sub-objective guided reasoning
- Memory-based path tracking
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional, Set
import os
import json
from openai import OpenAI
from collections import defaultdict
# Knowledge Graph Structure
# ------------------------
# Implementing the paper's KG-augmented LLM concept (Section 3)
# Each entity has relations and connected entities that can be explored adaptively
"Claude_Debussy": {
"music.artist.genre": ["Ballet", "Impressionism"],
"music.artist.composed": ["Afternoon_of_a_Faun", "Jeux"],
"": ["Ballet_compositions", "Orchestral_works"]
"Suzanne_Farrell_Elusive_Muse": {
"": ["Documentary", "Ballet"],
"": ["Ballet_Music", "Classical_Dance"],
"": ["Ballet_Music_By_Debussy", "Other_Classical_Works"]
"Ballet": {
"music.genre.associated_with": ["Claude_Debussy", "Igor_Stravinsky"],
"art.form.characteristics": ["Dance", "Classical_Music", "Performance"],
"": ["Debussy", "Tchaikovsky", "Stravinsky"]
"The_Naked_and_the_Dead": {
"": ["Panama"],
"": ["World_War_II"],
"": ["Pacific_Theater"]
"Panama": {
"": ["President_of_Panama"],
"": ["Presidential_Republic"],
"": ["Panama_City"]
"President_of_Panama": {
"government.role.holder": ["Juan_Carlos_Varela"],
"government.role.jurisdiction": ["Panama"],
"government.role.period": ["2014_2019"]
"Suzanne_Farrell_Elusive_Muse": {
"": ["Documentary", "Ballet"],
"": ["Ballet_Music"],
"": "1996",
"": ["New_York_City_Ballet", "Ballet_History"]
"World_War_II_Panama": {
"location.historical.period": "1939-1945",
"location.historical.control": ["US_Military_Forces"],
"location.historical.context": ["Pacific_Theater", "Canal_Zone"]
# Add historical context for temporal reasoning
"World_War_II_Panama": {
"location.historical.period": "1939-1945",
"location.historical.control": ["US_Military_Forces"],
"location.historical.context": ["Pacific_Theater", "Canal_Zone"]
class SubObjective:
Section 3.1: Guidance Mechanism Implementation
Represents a decomposed sub-task of the main question, enabling:
- Focused exploration of relevant knowledge
- Progress tracking for each component
- Evidence collection for final answer synthesis
index: int
description: str
status: str = ""
completed: bool = False
found_facts: List[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=list)
def add_fact(self, entity: str, relation: str, value: str):
"""Add discovered fact and update completion status"""
"entity": entity,
"relation": relation,
"value": value
def update_status(self):
"""Update completion status based on found facts"""
if self.found_facts:
self.status = f"Found {len(self.found_facts)} relevant facts"
self.completed = True
self.status = "Pending exploration"
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Convert to dictionary for JSON serialization"""
return {
"index": self.index,
"description": self.description,
"status": self.status,
"completed": self.completed,
"found_facts": self.found_facts
class ExplorationState:
Section 3.2: Path Exploration Implementation
Tracks the current state of knowledge graph exploration:
- Current entity being explored
- Path taken through the graph
- Facts discovered during exploration
current_entity: str
path: List[str]
found_facts: List[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=list)
class EntityExtraction:
main_entities: List[str]
context_entities: List[str]
class TemporalContext:
Handles temporal reasoning for historical facts:
- Ensures temporal consistency in reasoning
- Validates facts against time periods
- Helps avoid anachronistic conclusions
time_period: str
start_date: Optional[str] = None
end_date: Optional[str] = None
class PoG:
Main Plan-on-Graph Implementation
Implements the paper's core mechanisms:
1. Task Decomposition (Section 3.1)
2. Path Exploration (Section 3.2)
3. Memory Updating (Section 3.3)
4. Reflection & Evaluation (Section 3.4)
def __init__(self):
self.client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
self.sub_objectives: List[SubObjective] = []
self.knowledge_graph = {**KNOWLEDGE_GRAPH, **HISTORICAL_CONTEXT}
def explore_entity(self, entity: str, sub_objectives: List[SubObjective]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Section 3.2: Adaptive Path Exploration
Key aspects implemented:
1. Flexible exploration breadth based on relevance
2. Sub-objective guided fact discovery
3. Connection identification for further exploration
entity_info = self.get_entity_info(entity)
# Identify connected entities for potential exploration
connected_entities = set()
for relation, values in entity_info.items():
for value in values:
if self.normalize_entity(value) in self.knowledge_graph:
# Prompt LLM for fact analysis and next steps
prompt = f"""Analyze entity information and determine relevance to objectives.
Return format:
"relevant_facts": [
"entity": "{entity}",
"relation": "relation type",
"value": "found value",
"sub_objective_index": 0,
"relevance": "high/medium/low",
"reasoning": "why this fact matters"
"next_entities": [
"entity": "entity to explore",
"reason": "why explore this entity",
"priority": "high/medium/low"
"reasoning": "overall analysis"
Entity: {entity}
Available Information: {json.dumps(entity_info, indent=2)}
Connected Entities: {list(connected_entities)}
Sub-objectives: {[obj.to_dict() for obj in sub_objectives]}"""
return self._call_llm(prompt, "Expert in knowledge graph analysis")
def reflect_and_plan(self, state: ExplorationState, sub_objectives: List[SubObjective]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Section 3.4: Reflection Mechanism
1. Progress evaluation
2. Self-correction triggering
3. Exploration strategy adjustment
prompt = f"""Evaluate progress and determine if correction is needed.
Return format:
"progress_assessment": {{
"completed_objectives": [0, 1],
"pending_objectives": [2, 3],
"sufficient_information": false
"correction_needed": false,
"correction_strategy": null,
"next_steps": ["specific action"],
"reasoning": "detailed explanation"
Current Path: {state.path}
Found Facts: {json.dumps(state.found_facts, indent=2)}
Sub-objectives Progress: {[obj.to_dict() for obj in sub_objectives]}"""
return self._call_llm(prompt, "Expert in reasoning evaluation")
def answer_question(self, question: str) -> str:
Main PoG pipeline implementing the paper's workflow:
1. Task decomposition (Section 3.1)
2. Adaptive exploration (Section 3.2)
3. Memory updating (Section 3.3)
4. Reflection and correction (Section 3.4)
print(f"\nQuestion: {question}")
print("=" * 80)
# Step 1: Extract entities
entities = self.extract_entities(question)
print("\nIdentified Entities:")
print(f"Main: {entities.main_entities}")
print(f"Context: {entities.context_entities}")
# Step 2: Task Decomposition
print("\n1. Decomposing into Sub-objectives:")
self.sub_objectives = self.decompose_task(question)
for i, obj in enumerate(self.sub_objectives):
print(f" {i+1}. {obj.description}")
# Initialize exploration with main entities
explored_entities = set()
to_explore = entities.main_entities.copy()
facts_found = []
max_depth = 4
depth = 0
while to_explore and depth < max_depth:
current_entity = to_explore.pop(0)
print(f"\n{depth + 2}. Exploring {current_entity}...")
if self.normalize_entity(current_entity) not in self.knowledge_graph:
print(f"No information found for {current_entity}")
# Explore current entity
exploration = self.explore_entity(current_entity, self.sub_objectives)
print("Found relevant facts:")
for fact in exploration.get("relevant_facts", []):
print(f" - {fact['relation']}: {fact['value']}")
print(f" Relevance: {fact['relevance']}")
print(f" Reasoning: {fact['reasoning']}")
# Update sub-objective completion
obj_idx = fact["sub_objective_index"]
if obj_idx < len(self.sub_objectives):
print(f"\nReasoning: {exploration['reasoning']}")
# Add new entities to explore
for next_entity in exploration.get("next_entities", []):
entity_name = self.normalize_entity(next_entity["entity"])
if (entity_name in self.knowledge_graph and
entity_name not in explored_entities and
entity_name not in [self.normalize_entity(e) for e in to_explore]):
print(f"Adding {next_entity['entity']} to explore (Priority: {next_entity['priority']})")
if next_entity['priority'] == 'high':
to_explore.insert(0, next_entity['entity'])
depth += 1
# Construct answer from collected facts
if facts_found:
answer = self.construct_answer(question, self.sub_objectives, facts_found)
return answer
return "Unable to find relevant information to answer the question."
def extract_entities(self, question: str) -> EntityExtraction:
"""Extract main and context entities from the question"""
prompt = f"""Identify the main entities and context entities from this question. Return format:
"main_entities": ["primary entity 1", "primary entity 2"],
"context_entities": ["context entity 1", "context entity 2"]
Question: {question}"""
response = self._call_llm(prompt, "You are an expert in entity extraction from text.")
# Clean and normalize entity names
main_entities = [self.normalize_entity(e) for e in response["main_entities"]]
context_entities = [self.normalize_entity(e) for e in response["context_entities"]]
return EntityExtraction(main_entities, context_entities)
def normalize_entity(self, entity: str) -> str:
"""Normalize entity name to match knowledge graph keys"""
return entity.replace(" ", "_").replace("'", "").replace('"', '')
def get_entity_info(self, entity: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
"""Get entity information from knowledge graph"""
normalized_entity = entity.replace(" ", "_").replace("'", "")
return self.knowledge_graph.get(normalized_entity, {})
def decompose_task(self, question: str) -> List[SubObjective]:
"""Decompose question into focused sub-objectives"""
prompt = f"""Break down this question into specific, focused sub-objectives. Return format:
"sub_objectives": [
"description": "specific task description",
"required_info": ["what information is needed"]
Question: {question}"""
response = self._call_llm(prompt, "You are an expert in breaking down complex questions.")
# Create SubObjective instances with index
self.sub_objectives = [
SubObjective(index=i, description=obj["description"])
for i, obj in enumerate(response["sub_objectives"])
return self.sub_objectives
def get_next_entity(self, current_entity: str, exploration_result: Dict[str, Any],
explored_entities: Set[str]) -> Optional[str]:
"""Determine next entity to explore based on knowledge graph connections"""
if not exploration_result.get("next_entities"):
# Look for unexplored connected entities
connected_entities = set(exploration_result["connected_entities"])
unexplored = connected_entities - explored_entities
if unexplored:
return unexplored.pop()
# If no unexplored connected entities, look at parent entities
for entity, info in self.knowledge_graph.items():
for values in info.values():
if current_entity in values and entity not in explored_entities:
return entity
# Use suggested next entities
for next_entity in exploration_result["next_entities"]:
entity_name = next_entity["entity"]
if entity_name not in explored_entities and entity_name in self.knowledge_graph:
return entity_name
return None
def check_temporal_relevance(self, fact: Dict[str, Any], context: TemporalContext) -> bool:
"""Check if fact is relevant to the temporal context"""
if fact.get("period"):
return self.dates_overlap(fact["period"], context)
return True
def construct_answer(self, question: str, sub_objectives: List[SubObjective],
facts: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> str:
"""Construct final answer from collected facts with better organization"""
# Group facts by sub-objective
facts_by_objective = defaultdict(list)
for fact in facts:
obj_idx = fact.get("sub_objective_index", 0)
# Prepare facts summary for each sub-objective
objectives_summary = []
for obj in sub_objectives:
relevant_facts = facts_by_objective[obj.index]
"objective": obj.description,
"facts": relevant_facts,
"completed": bool(relevant_facts)
prompt = f"""Based on the collected facts, construct a clear answer to the question.
Question: {question}
Evidence gathered:
{json.dumps(objectives_summary, indent=2)}
Return format:
"answer": "clear and concise answer based on the evidence",
"reasoning": "explanation of how the facts support this answer",
"confidence": "high/medium/low based on evidence completeness"
response = self._call_llm(prompt, "You are an expert in synthesizing information to answer questions.")
# Format the answer with confidence level
confidence = response.get("confidence", "medium")
answer = response["answer"]
reasoning = response["reasoning"]
return f"""Answer ({confidence} confidence): {answer}
Reasoning: {reasoning}
Based on evidence from:
def _format_evidence_summary(self, objectives_summary: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> str:
"""Format evidence summary for output"""
lines = []
for obj in objectives_summary:
status = "✓" if obj["completed"] else "×"
facts_count = len(obj["facts"])
lines.append(f"{status} {obj['objective']} ({facts_count} facts)")
return "\n".join(lines)
def _call_llm(self, prompt: str, system_message: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Call LLM with proper error handling"""
messages = [
{"role": "system", "content": f"You are an AI assistant that always responds in JSON format. {system_message}"},
{"role": "user", "content": f"{prompt}\nRespond in JSON format."}
response =
response_format={"type": "json_object"},
return json.loads(response.choices[0].message.content)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in LLM call: {e}")
print(f"Prompt that caused error: {prompt}")
def main():
Demonstrates PoG on example questions from the paper.
Shows the system's ability to:
1. Handle temporal reasoning
2. Explore connected facts
3. Self-correct when needed
4. Provide evidence-based answers
pog = PoG()
questions = [
# Question requiring musical knowledge and temporal understanding
"What genre of music favored by Claude Debussy appears in the movie Suzanne Farrell: Elusive Muse?",
# Question requiring historical context and political understanding
"Who is in control of the place where the movie 'The Naked and the Dead' takes place?"
for question in questions:
answer = pog.answer_question(question)
print(f"\nFinal Answer: {answer}\n")
print("=" * 80)
if __name__ == "__main__":