Zora Zhiruo Wang, Jiayuan Mao, Daniel Fried, Graham Neubig
The research paper explores a groundbreaking methodology, Agent Workflow Memory (AWM), that significantly enhances the performance of language model-based agents in web navigation tasks. AWM enables agents to learn and use reusable workflows derived from past experiences, showcasing a dramatic improvement in success rates and efficiency on the Mind2Web and WebArena benchmarks with relative success rate improvements of 24.6% and 51.1%, respectively. This novel approach leverages both rule-based and language model-based workflow induction, allowing for rapid, flexible, and contextually appropriate task handling across different domains. The paper’s detailed analysis of workflow representation and induction methods, along with robust experimentation, underscores the method’s potential to generalize across various tasks, websites, and domains. The inclusion of a “snowball effect,” where simple workflows evolve into more complex ones, further highlights AWM’s capacity for continual learning and incremental improvement. This research is pivotal as it sets a new standard in the field, suggesting that memory-augmented approaches like AWM could lead to more adaptive and efficient autonomous agents. The insights provided can inspire future investigation into real-time adaptation, cross-lingual workflows, and more extensive real-world applications, marking it as essential reading for researchers and graduate students striving to push the boundaries of web navigation and language model-based agents. The authors have provided their implementation on two benchmark results (GitHub link) and this post shows a more general example illustrating its “snowball effect” of learning increasingly complex workflows.
Mind Map
High resolution PDF and interactive version can be found at Github repo.
Highlights explained
1. Agent Workflow Memory (AWM)
a. Clear Explanation: Agent Workflow Memory (AWM) is a novel method that allows language model-based agents to induce and utilize reusable workflows derived from past experiences to improve their performance on web navigation tasks. These workflows guide agents by providing a series of steps and logical sequences that can be reused across various tasks.
b. Significance: The introduction of AWM marks a significant advancement in enhancing the efficiency and adaptability of agents. By enabling agents to learn from past experiences and apply these lessons to new tasks, AWM improves task success rates and reduces the number of steps required for task completion.
c. Relation to Existing Work and Impact: Unlike previous methods that did not generalize well across different tasks and domains, AWM demonstrates robust generalization capabilities. This method not only outperforms existing techniques but also indicates a broader potential for creating more versatile and efficient autonomous agents.
2. Efficient Learning and Generalization
a. Clear Explanation: AWM enables rapid and efficient learning from a small number of examples, and it continues to improve its performance through iterative learning. The method’s design permits effective adaptation to new tasks, websites, and domains without extensive retraining.
b. Significance: The efficient learning capability is crucial for practical deployment in dynamic environments where new tasks and changes are frequent. This feature makes AWM a highly scalable and flexible solution.
c. Relation to Existing Work and Impact: Prior methods often required extensive retraining for new tasks or domains, limiting their practical application. AWM’s ability to generalize effectively across different contexts enhances its utility in real-world scenarios, making it a valuable contribution to the field of language model-based agents.
3. Workflow Induction Methods
a. Clear Explanation: The paper explores both rule-based and language model-based (LM-based) methods for workflow induction. The LM-based induction method prompts models to identify common sub-routines across tasks, abstracting out specific details to generate reusable workflows.
b. Significance: The ability to induce useful workflows from both structured rules and model-based prompts adds flexibility and robustness to AWM. This dual approach ensures that workflows are both generalizable and contextually relevant.
c. Relation to Existing Work and Impact: The dual induction methodology ensures that AWM can leverage the strengths of both rule-based precision and model-based flexibility. This hybrid approach enhances the system’s adaptability and performance, providing valuable insights into optimizing agent training processes.
4. Snowball Effect in Workflow Utilization
a. Clear Explanation: AWM showcases a “snowball effect,” where the induction of simple workflows leads to the creation of more complex workflows over time. As agents solve more tasks, they continuously build upon previously acquired workflows, thereby expanding their memory and capabilities.
b. Significance: This continual learning mechanism enhances the agent’s ability to tackle increasingly complex tasks efficiently. The snowball effect ensures that the agent’s performance consistently improves, reducing the gap between the agent and more sophisticated human problem-solving strategies.
c. Relation to Existing Work and Impact: The concept of building increasingly complex workflows over time aligns with human learning processes and signifies a step towards more human-like artificial intelligence. This mechanism reinforces the potential for creating highly autonomous and sophisticated agents capable of handling a wide array of tasks without human intervention.
pip install pydantic openai
import os
import json
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Tuple
from pydantic import BaseModel
from openai import OpenAI
# Set up OpenAI client
client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
# Define data structures for workflows and steps
class WorkflowStep(BaseModel):
Represents a single step in a workflow.
Each step contains the environment state, reasoning, and action to be taken.
This aligns with the paper's emphasis on capturing context and decision-making process.
environment_state: str # Current state of the environment
reasoning: str # Explanation for the action
action_type: str # Type of action (e.g., CLICK, TYPE)
target: str # Target of the action (e.g., button id, input field)
value: Optional[str] = None # Optional value for the action (e.g., text to type)
class Workflow(BaseModel):
Represents a complete workflow.
This structure allows for abstract, reusable workflows as described in the paper.
name: str
description: str
domain: str # Domain helps in cross-domain generalization
steps: List[WorkflowStep]
class WorkflowList(BaseModel):
A list of workflows, used for batch processing of multiple workflows.
workflows: List[Workflow]
class AWM:
Agent Workflow Memory (AWM) class.
This class implements the core functionality of the AWM system as described in the paper.
def __init__(self):
self.workflows: List[Workflow] = [] # Offline induced workflows
self.online_workflows: List[Workflow] = [] # Online induced workflows
def induce_workflow_offline(self, experiences: str):
Induce workflows from a set of experiences in an offline setting.
This method aligns with the paper's description of offline workflow induction,
where workflows are extracted from pre-existing annotated examples.
response = client.chat.completions.create(
{"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert in extracting common workflows from user experiences. Focus on abstracting example-specific contexts and identifying reusable sub-routines. Use placeholders like {product-type}, {product-color}, etc."},
{"role": "user", "content": f"Extract common workflows from the given experiences, focusing on reusable sub-tasks and using abstract placeholders:\n{experiences}"}
"name": "extract_workflows",
"description": "Extract common workflows from given experiences",
"parameters": WorkflowList.model_json_schema()
function_call={"name": "extract_workflows"}
result = WorkflowList.model_validate_json(response.choices[0].message.function_call.arguments)
def induce_workflow_online(self, experience: str):
Induce a workflow from a single experience in an online setting.
This method implements the online scenario described in the paper,
where workflows are generated in real-time from agent actions.
response = client.chat.completions.create(
{"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert in extracting reusable workflows from individual experiences. Focus on identifying sub-routines that could be applied to similar tasks. Use abstract placeholders where possible."},
{"role": "user", "content": f"Extract a reusable workflow from this experience, using abstract placeholders:\n{experience}"}
"name": "extract_workflow",
"description": "Extract a reusable workflow from the given experience",
"parameters": Workflow.model_json_schema()
function_call={"name": "extract_workflow"}
result = Workflow.model_validate_json(response.choices[0].message.function_call.arguments)
def apply_workflow(self, task: str, environment_state: str, domain: str) -> Tuple[List[WorkflowStep], str]:
Apply the most relevant workflow to a given task and current environment state.
This method demonstrates the system's ability to adapt workflows to new tasks,
potentially across different domains, as emphasized in the paper.
all_workflows = self.workflows + self.online_workflows
response = client.chat.completions.create(
{"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert in applying workflows to specific tasks, considering the current environment state and domain. Adapt workflows from other domains if necessary."},
{"role": "user", "content": f"Apply the most relevant workflow to this task: {task}\nCurrent environment state: {environment_state}\nDomain: {domain}\nAvailable workflows: {json.dumps([w.model_dump() for w in all_workflows])}"}
"name": "apply_workflow",
"description": "Apply the most relevant workflow to the given task and environment state",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"steps": {
"type": "array",
"items": WorkflowStep.model_json_schema()
"workflow_used": {"type": "string"}
"required": ["steps", "workflow_used"]
function_call={"name": "apply_workflow"}
result = json.loads(response.choices[0].message.function_call.arguments)
return [WorkflowStep.model_validate(s) for s in result['steps']], result['workflow_used']
def evaluate_success(self, task: str, steps: List[WorkflowStep]) -> bool:
Evaluate if the given steps successfully solve the task.
This method implements the success evaluation mechanism described in the paper,
which is crucial for determining when to induce new workflows.
response = client.chat.completions.create(
{"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert in evaluating the success of web navigation tasks."},
{"role": "user", "content": f"Evaluate if these steps successfully solve the task:\nTask: {task}\nSteps: {json.dumps([s.model_dump() for s in steps])}"}
"name": "evaluate_success",
"description": "Evaluate if the steps successfully solve the task",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"success": {"type": "boolean"},
"reason": {"type": "string"}
"required": ["success", "reason"]
function_call={"name": "evaluate_success"}
result = json.loads(response.choices[0].message.function_call.arguments)
return result['success']
def execute_workflow_action(self, action_name: str, params: Dict):
Execute a high-level workflow action.
This method demonstrates how workflows can be used as high-level actions,
expanding the agent's action space as described in the paper.
workflow = next((w for w in self.workflows + self.online_workflows if w.name == action_name), None)
if workflow:
print(f"Executing workflow action: {action_name}")
for step in workflow.steps:
print(f" {step.action_type}('{step.target}', {step.value})")
print(f"Workflow action {action_name} not found")
def get_total_workflows(self) -> int:
Get the total number of workflows (offline + online).
This method helps track the growth of the workflow library over time.
return len(self.workflows) + len(self.online_workflows)
def demonstrate_snowball_effect(awm: AWM):
Demonstrate the snowball effect using the AWM system.
This function showcases how the system builds increasingly complex workflows over time,
a key concept described in the paper.
print("Demonstrating the snowball effect of learning increasingly complex workflows:\n")
tasks = [
("Search for a laptop on an e-commerce website", "On the homepage of an e-commerce website", "e-commerce"),
("Add a laptop to the shopping cart", "On the search results page for laptops", "e-commerce"),
("Complete the purchase of a laptop in the shopping cart", "On the shopping cart page", "e-commerce"),
("Search for, add to cart, and purchase a laptop", "On the homepage of an e-commerce website", "e-commerce"),
("Book a flight ticket", "On the homepage of a travel website", "travel"),
("Plan a business trip: book a flight, reserve a hotel, and purchase a laptop for the trip", "On a multi-purpose travel and shopping website", "travel,e-commerce")
for i, (task, env_state, domain) in enumerate(tasks, 1):
print(f"Task {i}: {task}")
steps, workflow_used = awm.apply_workflow(task, env_state, domain)
print(f"Using workflow: {workflow_used}")
for step in steps:
print(f" Action: {step.action_type}('{step.target}'{', ' + repr(step.value) if step.value else ''})")
if awm.evaluate_success(task, steps):
awm.induce_workflow_online(json.dumps({"task": task, "steps": [s.model_dump() for s in steps], "domain": domain}))
print(f"Task {i} completed successfully. New workflow induced.")
print(f"Task {i} not completed successfully.")
print(f"Total workflows: {awm.get_total_workflows()}\n")
# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
awm = AWM()
# Induce initial offline workflow
# This demonstrates the offline workflow induction process
shopping_experience = """
Task: Buy a {product-type}
1. Environment: On the homepage of an e-commerce website
Reasoning: To find {product-type}, I need to use the search function
Action: TYPE('search-bar', '{product-type}')
2. Environment: Search results for {product-type} are displayed
Reasoning: I need to select a product to purchase
Action: CLICK('product-1')
3. Environment: On the product page for a {product-type}
Reasoning: I want to add this item to my cart
Action: CLICK('add-to-cart')
4. Environment: Item added to cart, popup appears
Reasoning: I want to complete my purchase
Action: CLICK('checkout')
5. Environment: On the checkout page
Reasoning: I need to confirm my purchase
Action: CLICK('confirm-purchase')
print("Induced offline shopping workflows:")
for workflow in awm.workflows:
print(f"Name: {workflow.name}")
print(f"Description: {workflow.description}")
print(f"Domain: {workflow.domain}")
for step in workflow.steps:
print(f" Environment: {step.environment_state}")
print(f" Reasoning: {step.reasoning}")
print(f" Action: {step.action_type}('{step.target}'{', ' + repr(step.value) if step.value else ''})")
# Cross-domain task: Apply shopping workflow to travel booking
# This demonstrates the system's ability to adapt workflows across domains
travel_task = "Book a flight from {origin-city} to {destination-city} for next month"
travel_steps, workflow_used = awm.apply_workflow(travel_task, "On the homepage of a travel booking website", "travel")
print(f"Applied steps for '{travel_task}' using workflow: {workflow_used}")
for step in travel_steps:
print(f"Environment: {step.environment_state}")
print(f"Reasoning: {step.reasoning}")
print(f"Action: {step.action_type}('{step.target}'{', ' + repr(step.value) if step.value else ''})")
# Evaluate success and induce new workflow if successful
# This shows the online workflow induction process
if awm.evaluate_success(travel_task, travel_steps):
print("Task completed successfully. Inducing new workflow.")
awm.induce_workflow_online(json.dumps({"task": travel_task, "steps": [s.model_dump() for s in travel_steps], "domain": "travel"}))
print("Task not completed successfully.")
# Demonstrate workflow action execution
# This shows how workflows can be used as high-level actions
print("Executing high-level workflow action:")
awm.execute_workflow_action("Purchase {product-color} {product-type}", {"product-color": "black", "product-type": "laptop"})
# Cross-website task: Apply travel booking workflow to a different travel website
# This demonstrates generalization across websites within the same domain
cross_website_task = "Book a hotel in {destination-city} for next month"
hotel_steps, workflow_used = awm.apply_workflow(cross_website_task, "On the homepage of a hotel booking website", "travel")
print(f"\nApplied steps for cross-website task '{cross_website_task}' using workflow: {workflow_used}")
for step in hotel_steps:
print(f"Environment: {step.environment_state}")
print(f"Reasoning: {step.reasoning}")
print(f"Action: {step.action_type}('{step.target}'{', ' + repr(step.value) if step.value else ''})")
# Demonstrate the "snowball effect" of building increasingly complex workflows
# This showcases how the system can handle more complex, multi-step tasks over time
complex_task = "Plan a vacation: book flights, reserve a hotel, and rent a car"
complex_steps, workflow_used = awm.apply_workflow(complex_task, "On a travel planning website homepage", "travel")
print(f"\nApplied steps for complex task '{complex_task}' using workflow: {workflow_used}")
for step in complex_steps:
print(f"Environment: {step.environment_state}")
print(f"Reasoning: {step.reasoning}")
print(f"Action: {step.action_type}('{step.target}'{', ' + repr(step.value) if step.value else ''})")
if awm.evaluate_success(complex_task, complex_steps):
print("Complex task completed successfully. Inducing new, more complex workflow.")
awm.induce_workflow_online(json.dumps({"task": complex_task, "steps": [s.model_dump() for s in complex_steps], "domain": "travel"}))
print(f"Total workflows after induction: {len(awm.workflows) + len(awm.online_workflows)}")
print("Complex task not completed successfully.")
# Demonstrate the snowball effect
# This function provides a clear illustration of how the system builds up its capabilities over time
Agent Workflow Memory (AWM) Implementation Review
This implementation satisfies the core ideas presented in the AWM paper:
1. Abstract Workflow Representation: Uses placeholders for better generalization.
2. Cross-Domain Application: Demonstrates applying workflows across domains.
3. Workflow Induction: Implements both offline and online induction.
4. Snowball Effect: Shows progression from simple to complex tasks.
5. Adaptability: Adapts workflows to new scenarios.
6. Environment State and Reasoning: Captures context and decision-making processes.
7. Continuous Learning: Demonstrates increasing number of workflows over time.
Areas for Improvement:
1. Workflow Combination: Could more clearly show how complex workflows are built from simpler ones.
2. Error Handling and Adaptation: Doesn't demonstrate handling of imperfect workflow matches.
3. Sub-routine Reuse: Could more explicitly show reuse of common sub-routines across tasks.
4. Workflow Actions: Fails to execute high-level workflow actions as described in the paper.
5. Quantitative Evaluation: Lacks concrete metrics on task success rates and efficiency improvements.